The Village Vision is supported by many people who contribute in various ways. We give thanks for the generosity of all our friends and partners. At this point in time we are growing our roots deeply and sturdily, building the solid foundation upon which we can provide ample blessings to the greater community in the future. This is the way of the interconnected cycles and webs of life; we are supported by all, so that we can then support all.
From the Microbes in the Soil, to the Molecules in the Water — from the Well and the Spring Water and the Rain to the cold wild River with rapids and falls, to the Seeds we have collected and the Animals who help graze for biodiversity. From the Ravens, Doves, Red Robins, Eagles and Hawks, the Deer and Elk and wild Turkeys, the Worms and the Bees, to the wild Roses and black Raspberries, to the Circle of Oaks and many lingering Rainbows, to the Tools we utilize to Cultivate the Land, to our Housemates, Families, Friends, Advisors, and Colleagues who comprise the Community Farmstead on this journey to its village homesite. With humility and reverence we acknowledge the human and nonhuman entities who were wrongfully displaced from these lands they once called home. With humility and reverence we acknowledge the entire ecosystem of organisms living here, striving to thrive and survive and maybe find balance. With humility and reverence we acknowledge the Divinity that allows for existence to unfurl. We acknowledge all the ancestors whose legacy we build upon, and to the ancestors of the future we strive to leave a world better than we inherited. In acknowledging ALL of you, we pledge not to hold ourselves above but alongside your right to exist and be.
Our community farmstead is made possible by all the friends and family of the farm that have supported our vision by contributing with encouragement, council, laughter, or getting their hands dirty with us. Thank you to all those that contribute to this community!
The cows provide a calm, meditative aura to the farm. Their curiosity for life, and care for each other are remarkable to witness. These cows are revered in India where there are stories of miraculous healing associated with these gracious creatures.
This spring we welcomed a small flock of Icelandic and Katahdin sheep, two ewes and six lambs, joining the farm to help us holistically graze the abundant pastures for carbon sequestration and to further increase the biodiversity of the soil.
Our flock of layers graze openly on pasture providing us with a beautiful batch of colorful and healthy eggs. A mix of Bard-rocks, Americanas, Easter Eggers, Arucanas, Leghorns, Copper Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Welsummers, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Dominant Coppers.
These sweet ducklings bring us much joy, they quack and swim all day in the sunshine rays. We brought together two different sets of ducks and they are still getting acquainted with each other but they all seem to be happily quacking away enjoying the chicken yard of play.
Gwen is just the sweetest! She comes if you call her or squat down, she gives little nibbling kisses, and loves to flap her wings in the wind. Gwen came from the city with her crew of brown ducks, she has to be one of the sweetest geese any of us have ever met. We are glad she found us!
Bowie & Dancer, our farm dogs, will bounce right up to you, giving kisses with waggly tails. They are our guardian protectors here on the farmstead, ensuring all the animals are safe during the day and through the night.
Phoebe is a big eyed rambunctious black and white cat. She enjoys watching over chicks and catching streams of water from hoses. In the home, she may cuddle next to you, but rarely on your lap!
Mango Tango is our grey cat with mango-colored eyes. She is very friendly and loves to be pet and even cradled. She has an instant purr. She is a food thief so we must be very careful to never leave food unattended!
Family friends called us one sunny day in spring and told us about a swarm of honeybees landing at the waterfront playground. We headed over with a hive box to see if they wanted to come home to the farm. After guiding them into the hive, we let them settle before moving them to the farmstead, where we placed them on a little bench under a beautiful oak.
Nori serves as bridge to interspecies communication defying human-centric beliefs of 'intelligence' — while also breaking from limitations of gender or age to bring those met into the now. A purpose driven being who loves the thrill of adventures and escapades, traversing life alongside different human companions.
Sweet Pea passed away peacefully with her house crew circled around her. She was in the sun, the dogs and kitties were blessing her, and then on her last breath a dove flew down from the willow and drank from the pond before flying away with her spirit. Right then the chicken procession came to wish her well on her journey. We placed her under the willow tree with the spirits of Sunali’s parents. A ceremony of gratitude, sprinkled rose petals of love.
Stella was our livestock guardian dog who lived with us for her 2 years of puppyhood. Stella was called back to her breeder for a different working situation. She was sweet and cuddly and loved to smack kisses.
We sure miss her!
Our playful tribe of goats were a joy to watch as they hopped around with glee and grazed on scotch broom, blackberries, and poison oak. Our small flock was sold to Spectrum Farms — a nonprofit dedicated to autistic inclusion last October but we will eventually bring goats back to the farm.
The first batch of 15 chicks we bought were all eaten by Dancer one night - well all but one, and that sole survivor was Peep. After we got replacement chicks to be with Peep, he grew into a very fine rooster. He gave his life for his flock one day when protecting them from a red-tailed hawk (we caught the footage on our game cam).
The first bull calf born of this small herd, Ferdinand (aka Fern) is a friendly fellow who was sold to a young farmer in Idaho to be a sire in his new, small dairy venture. We look forward to visiting him one day when he is fully grown.
Giriraj (aka Radar) the bull paid a visit to the cow herd for three months this past Fall in order to breed our cows. One of our cows, Klamath (aka Laksmi) went home with the bull to join his herd in the SF Bay Area.